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所系名称 |
中国科学院南海海洋研究所,中国科学院热带海洋生物资源与生态重点实验室 | ||||
性别 |
男 | ||||
专业名称 |
环境科学 | ||||
技术职务 |
责任研究员 | ||||
行政职务 |
LMB副主任 | ||||
Mail地址 |
xphuang@scsio.ac.cn | ||||
指导博士生总数 |
19 |
指导硕士生总数 |
18 |
通讯地址 |
广州市新港西路164号3号楼508 |
目前博士生数 |
3 |
目前硕士生数 |
3 |
邮政编码 |
510301 |
研究方向 |
近海典型污染物迁移转化机制及其生态效应、海草床退化机理与保护与主要生源物质转化过程的研究。 |
研究工作 |
主要从事近海生态环境过程与机制研究。研究了氮磷硅等生源要素在近海环境中迁移转化过程,探究了近海典型污染物迁移转化机制及其生态效应,阐述了人类活动引起的营养物质输入对海湾生态环境影响机理与调控原理;揭示了海草床的退化机制及恢复机理,探究了海草床的储碳过程与机制,阐释了热带海草床食物链有机碳传递过程及其对富营养化的响应机制。发表研究论文190多篇(其中SCI收录80多篇),出版专著4部,获省部级科技成果奖6项。 | ||||
获奖情况 |
1. 国务院特殊津贴获得者(2009) 2.“973”项目首席科学家(2014) 3. 中科院特聘核心骨干研究员(2015) |
指导研究生情况 |
博士研究生:熊兰兰(2017)、崔黎军(2018)、方扬(2019) 硕士研究生:陈启明(2017)、李进隆(2018)、商博文(2019) 已培养博士研究生16名;硕士研究生15名 |
个人简介 |
1965年生,博士,研究员,博士生导师,主要从事近海生态环境研究工作。现任中国科学院珠江三角洲环境污染与控制研究中心副主任,中国海洋与湖沼学会海洋化学分会副理事长,中国海洋学会海洋环境学分会理事,中国海洋与湖沼学会水环境学分会理事,中国水产学会渔业资源与环境分会委员,中国自然资源学会湿地资源保护分会委员,国家专业标准化委员会滨海湿地技术分会委员,国家专业标准化委员会渔业湿地技术分会委员。在国内外核心刊物发表论文170余篇(SCI收录50多篇),以第一作者完成《珠江口污染防治与生态保护》和《中国南海海草研究》专著,获得省部级科技成果获6项。 |
科研成果 |
论文发表 30. Zhijian Jiang, Chunyu Zhao, Shuo Yu, Songlin Liu, Lijun Cui, Yunchao Wu, Yang Fang, Xiaoping Huang*. Contrasting root length, nutrient content and carbon sequestration of seagrass growing in offshore carbonate and onshore terrigenous sediments in the South China Sea. Science of the total Environment. 2019, 662:151-159 29. Chunyu Zhao, Songlin Liu*, Zhijian Jiang, Yunchao Wu, Lijun Cui, Xiaoping Huang*, Peter I. Macreadie. Nitrogen purification potential limited by nitrite reduction process in coastal eutrophic wetlands. Science of the total Environment. 2019, 694:133702 28. Songlin Liu, Stacey M. Trevathan-Tackett, Carolyn J. Ewers Lewis, Quinn R. Ollivier, Zhijian Jiang, Xiaoping Huang*, Peter I. Macreadie. Beach-cast seagrass wrack contributes substantially to global greenhouse gas emissions. Journal of Environmental Management. 2019, 231:329-335 27. Songlin Liu, Zhijian Jiang, Yunchao Wu, Yiqin Deng, Qiming Chen, Chunyu Zhao, Lijun Cui, Xiaoping Huang*. Macroalgae bloom decay decreases the sediment organic carbon sequestration potential in tropical seagrass meadows of the South China Sea. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 2019, 138:598-603 26. Ling Zhang, Lanlan Xiong, Jingping Zhang, Zhijian Jiang, Chunyu Zhao, Yunchao Wu, Songlin Liu, Xiaoping Huang?. The benthic fluxes of nutrients and the potential influences of sediment on the eutrophication in Daya Bay, South China. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 2019, 149:110540 25. Chunyu Zhao, Zhijian Jiang, Yunchao Wu, Songlin Liu, Lijun Cui, Jingping Zhang, Xiaoping Huang*. Origins of sediment organic matter and their contributions at three contrasting wetlands in a coastal semi-enclosed ecosystem. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 2019, 139:32-39 24. Xia Zhang, Yuan Shen, Xiaoping Huang?. Spatial and temporal distribution patterns of marine stramenopiles in Daya Bay, South China. Continental Shelf Research. 2019, 175:70-75 23. Shuo Yu, Yunchao Wu, Ester A. Serrao, Jingping Zhang, Zhijian Jiang, Chi Huang, Lijun Cui, Anitra Thorhaug, Xiaoping Huang*. Fine‐scale genetic structure and flowering output of the seagrass Enhalus acoroides undergoing disturbance. Ecology and Evolution. 2019, 9 22. Jiang Zhijian+, Liu Songlin+, Zhang Jingping, Wu Yunchao, Zhao Chunyu, Lian Zhonglian, Huang Xiaoping*. Eutrophication indirectly reduced carbon sequestration in a tropical seagrass bed. Plant and Soil. 2018,426,135-152 21. Lian Zhonglian,Jiang Zhijian*,Huang Xiaoping*,Liu Songlin,Zhang Jingping,Wu Yunchao. Labile and recalcitrant sediment organic carbon pools in the Pearl River Estuary, southern China. Science of The Total Environment. 2018,640-641,1302-1311 20. Wu Yunchao,Zhang Jingping*,Liu Songlin,Jiang Zhijian,Arbi Iman,Huang Xiaoping*,Macreadie Peter Ian. Nitrogen deposition in precipitation to a monsoon-affected eutrophic embayment: Fluxes, sources, and processes. Atmospheric Enviroment. 2018,182,75-86 19. Wu Yunchao,Zhang, Jingping,Ni Zhixin,Liu Songlin,Jiang Zhijian,Huang Xiaoping*. Atmospheric deposition of trace elements to Daya Bay, South China Sea: Fluxes and sources. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 2018,127,672-683 18. Zhang Xia,Zhang Jingping,Shen Yuan,Zhou Changhao,Huang Xiaoping*. Dynamics of alkaline phosphatase activity in relation to phytoplankton and bacteria in a coastal embayment Daya Bay, South China. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 2018,131,736-766 17. Songlin Liu+,Zhijian Jiang+,Yiqin Deng,Yunchao Wu,Jingping Zhang,Chunyu Zhao, Delian Huang,Xiaoping Huang*,Stacey M. Trevathan-Tackett. Effects of nutrient loading on sediment bacterial and pathogen communities within seagrass meadows. Microbiology Open. DOI:10,1002/mbo3,600 16. Yu Shuo,Liu, Songlin,Jiang Kai,Zhang Jingping,Jiang Zhijian,Wu Yunchao,Huang Chi,Zhao Chunyu,Huang Xiaoping,Trevathan-Tackett, S. M. Population genetic structure of the threatened tropical seagrass Enhalus acoroides in Hainan Island, China. Aquatic Botany. 2018,150,64-70 15. Liu Songlin+,Jiang Zhijian+,Zhou Chenyuan,Wu Yunchao,Arbi Iman,Zhang Jingping,Huang Xiaoping*,Trevathan-Tackett, S. M. Leaching of dissolved organic matter from seagrass leaf litter and its biogeochemical implications. Acta Oceanologica Sinica. 2018,37:84-90 14. Wu, Y., J. Zhang, S. Liu, Z. Jiang, and X. Huang*, Aerosol concentrations and atmospheric dry deposition fluxes of nutrients over Daya Bay, South China Sea[J]. Marine pollution bulletin, 2018, 128: 106-114. 13. Arbi, I., S. Liu, J. Zhang, Y. Wu, and X. Huang*, Detection of terrigenous and marine organic matter flow into a eutrophic semi-enclosed bay by δ13C and δ15N of intertidal macrobenthos and basal food sources[J]. Science of the Total Environment, 2018, 613–614: 847-860. 12. Huang, D., X. Zhang, Z. Jiang, J. Zhang, I. Arbi, X. Jiang, X. Huang*, and W. Zhang, Seasonal fluctuations of ichthyoplankton assemblage in the northeastern South China Sea influenced by the Kuroshio intrusion[J]. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 2017, 122: 7253-7266. 11. Liu, S., Z. Jiang, J. Zhang, Y. Wu, X. Huang*, and P.I. Macreadie, Sediment microbes mediate the impact of nutrient loading on blue carbon sequestration by mixed seagrass meadows[J]. Science of the Total Environment, 2017, 599–600: 1479-1484. 10. Liu, S., Z. Jiang, Y. Wu, J. Zhang, I. Arbi, F. Ye, X. Huang*, and P.I. Macreadie, Effects of nutrient load on microbial activities within a seagrass-dominated ecosystem: Implications of changes in seagrass blue carbon[J]. Marine pollution bulletin, 2017, 117: 214-221. 9. Arbi, I., J. Zhang, S. Liu, Y. Wu, and X. Huang*, Benthic habitat health assessment using macrofauna communities of a sub-tropical semi-enclosed bay under excess nutrients[J]. Marine pollution bulletin, 2017, 119: 39-49. 8. Ni, Z., L. Zhang, S. Yu, Z. Jiang, J. Zhang, Y. Wu, C. Zhao, S. Liu, C. Zhou, and X. Huang*, The porewater nutrient and heavy metal characteristics in sediment cores and their benthic fluxes in Daya Bay, South China[J]. Marine pollution bulletin, 2017, 124: 547-554. 7. Jiang, Z., S. Liu, J. Zhang, C. Zhao, Y. Wu, S. Yu, X. Zhang, C. Huang, X. Huang*, and M. Kumar, Newly discovered seagrass beds and their potential for blue carbon in the coastal seas of Hainan Island, South China Sea[J]. Marine pollution bulletin, 2017, 125: 513-521. 6. Zhang, X., Z. Shi, X. Huang*, and X. Li, Abotic and biotic factors influencing nanoflagellate abundance and distribution in three different seasons in PRE, South China Sea[J]. Continental Shelf Research, 2017, 143: 1-8. 5. Liu, S., Z. Jiang, Y. Deng, Y. Wu, C. Zhao, J. Zhang, Y. Shen, and X. Huang*, Effects of seagrass leaf litter decomposition on sediment organic carbon composition and the key transformation processes[J]. Science China Earth Sciences, 2017: 1-10. 4. Shi, Z., J. Xu, X. Huang*, X. Zhang, Z. Jiang, F. Ye, and X. Liang, Relationship between nutrients and plankton biomass in the turbidity maximum zone of the Pearl River Estuary[J]. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2017, 57: 72-84. 3. Zhang, L., Z. Shi, J. Zhang, Z. Jiang, L. Huang, and X. Huang*, Characteristics of nutrients and phytoplankton productivity in Guangdong coastal regions, South China[J]. Marine pollution bulletin, 2016, 113: 572-578. 2. Liu, S., Z. Jiang, J. Zhang, Y. Wu, Z. Lian, and X. Huang*, Effect of nutrient enrichment on the source and composition of sediment organic carbon in tropical seagrass beds in the South China Sea[J]. Marine pollution bulletin, 2016, 110: 274-280. 1. Ling, Z., S. Zhen, J. Zhang, Z. Jiang, W. Fei, and X. Huang*, Toxic heavy metals in sediments, seawater, and molluscs in the eastern and western coastal waters of Guangdong Province, South China[J]. Environmental Monitoring & Assessment, 2016, 188: 313. 撰写专著 1.《中国南海海草研究》,黄小平,黄良民,广东省出版集团,广东经济出版社,200 2.《珠江口污染防治与生态保护》,黄小平,广东省出版集团,广东经济出版社,2007 3.《中国热带海草生态学研究》,黄小平等,科学出版社,2019 4.《营养物质对海湾生态环境影响的过程与机理》,黄小平、黄良民、宋金明、陈敏、李海龙、江志坚等,科学出版社,2019 授权专利 1. 一种海草长距离+N612移植的暂养装置,ZL 201610211310.7,刘松林,黄小平,张景平,吴云超,江志坚,于硕 2. 一种在潮间带快速移植海草的方法,ZL 201610107179.X,刘松林;,黄小平;,张景平;,江志坚;,吴云超;,甘茂林 3. 一种应用于珊瑚碎屑底质中的海草移植装置以及海草的移植方法,ZL 2016103628736,刘松林,张景平,吴云超,江志坚,于硕,黄小平