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所系名称 |
中国科学院南海海洋研究所,海南热带海洋生物实验站 | ||||
性别 |
男 | ||||
专业名称 |
海洋生物学 | ||||
技术职务 |
责任研究员 | ||||
行政职务 |
Mail地址 |
dongjunde@vip.163.com | ||||
指导博士生总数 |
8 |
指导硕士生总数 |
13 |
通讯地址 |
广州市新港西路164号3号楼521 |
目前博士生数 |
4 |
目前硕士生数 |
3 |
邮政编码 |
510301 |
研究方向 |
海洋生物固氮、海洋生态可持续发展理论和技术和生态恢复和特色生物资源增养殖技术综合集成研究。 |
研究工作 |
证明生物固氮是我国自然红树林生态系统氮素的主要贡献者,国际上首次在红树林根际土壤进行固氮基因的分子生态学研究;首次在珊瑚礁生态系统中发现氮代谢通路-厌氧氨氧化;阐明了珊瑚礁生态系统中海草根际氨氧化微生物的生物地理分布特征;首次应用微宇宙实验方法对多环芳烃菲富集的红树林沉积物微生物群落对不同环数(四环和五环)多环芳烃的响应进行了研究,研究不同环数的多环芳烃对微生物群落结构组成具有显著影响,而相同环数的苯并a芘和苯并[a]荧蒽对微生物群落无显著影响;从珊瑚、海草和红树林等典型海洋生态系统的分离获得高效功能菌如固氮、溶磷和多环芳烃降解菌等100余株,经过优化组合和规模发酵等工艺获得菌剂,且生态效应试验较好,能够有效促进海草植株等生长和珊瑚幼虫的附着和生长等。 | ||||
获奖情况 |
1. “三亚珊瑚礁生态系统退化机制与生态修复研究”获得2013年国家海洋局等颁发的“海洋科技奖”,二等奖(第二完成人) 2. “三亚湾及其临近海区生态环境与生物资源研究” 获得2010年度海南省科技进步一等奖(第五完成人); 3. 2007年获得第十六届全国发明展览会铜奖、广东省专利奖优秀奖和世界华人重大学术成果奖。“海水藻蓝蛋白的制备方法”获得广东省专利奖优秀奖。 |
指导研究生情况 |
博士研究生:林丽云(2015)、张俊(2017)、张颖(2018)、张健(2019) 硕士研究生:林显程(2017)、彭秋颖(2018)、何夏雨(2019) 已培养博士研究生4名;硕士研究生10名 |
个人简介 |
学习经历 1983-1987:皖南农学院,学士 1989-1992:北京农业大学,硕士 2003-2008:中国科学院南海海洋研究所,博士 工作经历 1987.9-1989.8:安徽省肥西县农业局 1992.9-2000.2:中国科学院南海海洋研究所,助理研究员 2001.5-2009.8:中国科学院南海海洋研究所,副站长、副研究员 2007.3-2007.4:意大利特里雅斯特大学,访问学者 2015.8-2015.11:美国俄克拉荷马大学 ,高级访问学者 2009.9-至今:中国科学院南海海洋研究所,执行副站长、研究员、博导 |
科研成果 |
论文发表: 33. Yang, Q. S., J. D. Dong, M. Ahmad, J. Ling, W. G. Zhou, Y. H. Tan, Y. Z. Zhang, D. D. Shen*, and Y. Y. Zhang*. Analysis of nifH DNA and RNA reveals a disproportionate contribution to nitrogenase activities by rare plankton-associated diazotrophs. BMC Microbiology. 2019. 19:188. 32. Ahmad, M., Q. Yang, Y. Zhang, J. Ling*, W. Sajjad, S. Qi, W. Zhou, Y. Zhang, X. Lin, Y. Zhang, and J. Dong*. The distinct response of phenanthrene enriched bacterial consortia to different PAHs and their degradation potential: a mangrove sediment microcosm study. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2019. 380:1-10. 31. Zhou, W. G., D. W. Ding, Q. S. Yang, M. Ahmad, Y. Z. Zhang, X. C. Lin, Y. Y. Zhang, J. Ling, and J. D. Dong*. Marileptolyngbya sina gen. nov., sp. nov. and Salileptolyngbya diazotrophicum gen. nov., sp. nov. (Synechococcales, Cyanobacteria), species of cyanobacteria isolated from a marine ecosystem. Phytotaxa. 2018. 383:75-92. 30. Zeng, S., J. Ling, M. Ahmad, L. Lin, Y. Zhang, C. Wang, and J. Dong*. Culturable fungal diversity and cellulase production by mixed culture Aspergillus fungi from Sanya mangrove. Journal of General and Applied Microbiology. 2018. 64:293-298. 29. Ling, J., X. Lin, Y. Zhang, W. Zhou, Q. Yang, L. Lin, S. Zeng, Y. Zhang, C. Wang, M. Ahmad, L. Long, and J. Dong*. Community Composition and Transcriptional Activity of Ammonia-Oxidizing Prokaryotes of Seagrass Thalassia hemprichii in Coral Reef Ecosystems. Frontiers in Microbiology 2018. 9:1-7 28. Zhang Y, Yang Q, Ling J, Van Nostrand JD, Shi Z, Zhou J and Dong J*. Diversity and Structure of Diazotrophic Communities in Mangrove Rhizosphere, Revealed by High-Throughput Sequencing. Front. Microbiol. 2017. 8: (2032), 1-11 27. Juan Ling,Liyun Lin, Yanying Zhang, Xiancheng Lin, Manzoor Ahamad, Weiguo Zhou, Junde Dong*.Draft Genome Sequence of Marinobacter hydrocarbonoclasticus strain STW2, a polyaromatic aromatic hydrocarbon degrading and denitrifying bacterium from rhizosphere of Seagrass Enhalus acodoides, genomeA, 2017, 5(8): e01412-16. 26. Zhang Y, Yang Q,Ling J,Van Nostrand JD, Shi Z, Zhou J, Dong J*. The Shifts of Diazotrophic Communities in Spring and Summer Associated with CoralGalaxea astreata, Pavona decussata, and Porites lutea. Front. Microbiol., 2016, 7: 1870.doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2016.01870. 25. Yanying Zhang, Juan Ling, Qingsong Yang, Youshao Wang, Cuici Sun, Hongyan Sun, Jingbin Feng, Yufeng Jiang, Yuanzhou Zhang, Meilin Wu, Junde Dong*, The diversity of coral associated bacteria and the environmental factors affect their community variation, Ecotoxicology, 2015, 24(7-8): 1467-1477. 24. Yanying Zhang, Juan Ling, Qingsong Yang, Chongqing Wen, Qingyun Yan, Hongyan Sun, Joy D. Van Nostrand, Zhou Shi, Jizhong Zhou, Junde Dong*. The functional gene composition and metabolic potential of coral-associated microbial communities. Scientific Reports. 2015, 5: 16191. 23. Yufeng Jiang, Juan Ling, Junde Dong*, Biao Chen, Yanying Zhang, Yuanzhou Zhang, Youshao Wang. Illumina-based analysis the microbial diversity associated with Thalassia hemprichii in Xincun Bay, South China Sea. Ecotoxicology, 2015, 24(7-8): 1548-1556. 22. Yufeng Jiang, Juan Ling, Youshao Wang, Biao Chen, Yanying Zhang, Junde Dong*. Cultivation-dependent analysis of the microbial diversity associated with the seagrass meadows in Xincun Bay, South China Sea. Ecotoxicology, 2015, 24(7-8): 1540-1547. 21. Juan Ling, Yu-Feng Jiang, You-Shao Wang, Jun-De Dong, Yan-Ying Zhang, Yuan-Zhou Zhang. Responses of bacterial communities in Seagrass Enhalus acoroides Sediments to Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon-induced stress. Ecotoxicology, 2015, 24(7-8): 1517-1528. 20. Juan Ling,Yanying Zhang,Meilin Wu,Youshao Wang,Junde Dong,Yufeng Jiang, Siquan Zeng. Fungal Community Successions in Rhizosphere Sediment of Seagrasses Enhalus acoroides under PAHs Stress. International Journal Of Molecular Sciences, 2015, 16(6): 14039-14055. 19. Juan Ling, Yanying Zhang, Junde Dong, Youshao Wang, Jingbing Feng, Hongyan Sun, Weihua Zhou. Spatial variations of bacterial community and its relationship with water chemistry in Sanya Bay, South China Sea as determined by DGGE fingerprinting and multivariate analysis. Ecotoxicology, 2015, 24(7-8), 1486-1497. 18. Juan Ling#, Meilin Wu#, Yongfu Chen, Yanying Zhang, Junde Dong*. Identification of spatial and temporal patterns of coastal waters in Sanya Bay, South China Sea by chemometrics. Journal of Environmental Informatics. 2014,23(1):37-43 17. Mei-Lin Wu, You-Shao Wang, Dong-Xiao Wang, Jun-De Dong*. Effects of coastal upwelling on picophytoplankton distribution off the coast of Zhanjiang in South China Sea. Oceanological and Hydrobiological Studies. 2014,43(3):283-291. 16. Xiaofang Huang, Yujuan Liu, Junde Dong, Lingyun Qu, Yanying Zhang, Fazuo Wang, Xinpeng Tian*, Si Zhang*. Mangrovibacteriumdiazotrophicum gen. nov., sp. nov., a nitrogen-fixing bacterium isolated from a mangrove sediment, and proposal of Prolixibacteraceae fam. nov. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology. 2014,64:875-881. 15. Juan Ling, Yanying Zhang, Junde Dong*, Youshao Wang, Hui Huang, Lei Chen, Xiaofang Huang, Lijuan Long, Si Zhang. Spatial variability of cyanobacterial community composition in Sanya Bay as determined by DGGE Fingerprinting and Multivariate Analysis. Chinese Science Bulletin 2013,58(9):10191-1027. 14. Juan Ling , Junde Dong, You-Shao Wang, Yan-Ying Zhang, Chao Deng, Li Lin, Mei-Lin Wu. Fu-Lin Sun. Spatial Variation of Bacterial Community Structure of the Northern South China Sea in Relation to Water Chemistry. Ecotoxicoloy. 2012, 21(6): 1669–1679. 13. Mei-Lin Wu, Yan-Ying Zhang, Li-Juan Long, Si Zhang, You-Shao Wang, Juan Ling, Junde Dong. Identification of coastal water quality including heavy metal in Sanya Bay, South China Sea. Polish Journal of Environment Studies. 2012, 21(5): 1445-1452. 12. Mei-Lin Wu, Juan Ling, Li-Juan Long, Si Zhang, Yan-Ying Zhang, You-Shao Wang, Junde Dong. Influence of human activity and monsoon dynamics on spatial and temporal hydrochemistry in tropical coastal waters (Sanya Bay, South China Sea). Chemistry and Ecology. 2012, 28(4):375–390. 11. Mei-Lin Wu, You-Shao Wang, Haili Wang, Song Sun, Cui-Ci Sun, Jun-De Dong, Jingfeng Wu. Monsoon-driven Dynamics of water quality in Daya Bay, South China Sea by multivariate statistical methods. Oceanological and Hydrobiological studies. Oceanological and Hydrobiological studies. 2012, 41(4): 66-76. 10. MiYeon Yang, Jun-De Dong, Myung Sook Kim. Taxonomic notes on five species of Gracilariaceae from Hainan, China. Algae 2012, 27(3): 175-187. 9. Ling Juan, Zhang Yanying, Dong Junde*, Wang Youshao, Chen Lei, Feng Jingbin, Sun Hongyan, Wang Dongxiao and Zhang Si, Spatial variation of bacterial community composition near the Luzon strait assessed by polymerase chain reaction-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (PCR-DGGE) and multivariate analyses, African Journal of Biotechnology, 2011, 10(74):16897-16908. 8. Mei-Lin Wu,Yan-Ying Zhang, Jun-De Dong, Identi cation of coastal water quality by self-organizing map in Sanya Bay, South China Sea, Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management, 2011, 14(3):291–297. 7. Junde Dong*, Yanying Zhang,Si Zhang, Youshao Wang, Meilin Wu. Identification of temporal and spatial variations of water quality in Sanya Bay, China by three-way principal component analysis. Environmental Earth Sciences. 2010, 60(8):1673-1683. 6. Junde Dong*, Yangying Zhang,Youshao Wang,Meilin Wu,Si Zhang. Chemometry use in the evaluation of the Sanya Bay water quality. Brazilian Journal Oceanography. 2010, 58(4) :138-146. 5. Yanying Zhang, Junde Dong*, Juan Ling, Youshao Wang and Si Zhang. Phytoplankton distribution and their relationship to environmental variables in Sanya Bay, South China Sea. Scientia Marina. 2010, 74(4): 568-575. 4. Guanghua Wang, Junde Dong, Xiang Li, Huimin Sun. The bacteria diversity in surface sediments from South China Sea. Acta Oceanologica Sinica. 2010, 29(4): 98-105. 3. Yanying Zhang, Junde Dong*, Bin Yang, Juan Ling, Youshao Wang, Si Zhang. Bacterial community structure of mangrove sediments in relation to environmental variables accessed by 16S rRNA -DGGE fingerprinting. Scientia Marina. 2009, 73 (3): 487-498. 2. Junde Dong*, Yanying Zhang, Youshao Wang, Si Zhang, Hankui Wang. Spatial and seasonal variations of cyanobacteria nitrogen fixation rates in Sanya Bay, South China Sea. Scientia Marina, 2008, 72 (2): 239-251. 1. Yanying Zhang, Junde Dong*, Zhihao Yang, Si Zhang, Youshao Wang. Phylogenetic diversity of nitrogen-fixing bacteria in mangrove sediments assessed by PCR- DGGE. Archives of Microbiology. 2008, 190 (1): 19-28. 授权国家发明专利 1. 一株伪鱼腥藻SCSIO S3及其应用 ZL201510467840.3,凌娟,张燕英,张渊洲,杨清松,董俊德,江玉凤,曾思泉 2. 一株席藻SCSIO X及其应用 ZL201510467881.2,凌娟,张燕英,董俊德,杨清松,张渊洲,曾思泉,江玉凤 3. 一种红树植物根际纤维素降解真菌新种Xylariaceae sp. DPZ-SY43及其应用 ZL201110302116.7,董俊德,潘虎,张燕英,凌娟,陈蕾,张偲,龙丽娟 4. 一种深海海旋菌及其应用 ZL200910192643.X,董俊德,凌娟,张燕英,杨斌,王友绍,黄良民. 5. 强壮类芽孢杆菌G25-1-2及其应用 ZL200910192615.8,董俊德,凌娟,张燕英,李丽璇,王友绍,张偲 6. 一种红海榄根际纤维素降解真菌新种Hypoxylon sp.DPZ-SYz-36及其应用 ZL201110303628.5,董俊德,潘虎,张燕英,凌娟,陈蕾,张偲,龙丽娟 7. 红树植物根际固氮菌 (DZY-N33) 及其应用 ZL200810028957.1,董俊德,张燕英,杨志浩,张偲,王友绍,孙翠慈 8. 红树植物根际促生固氮菌(DZY-X1) 及其应用 ZL200810028973.0,董俊德,张燕英,杨志浩,杨斌,张偲,王友绍,孙翠慈 9. 红树植物根际促生固氮菌(DZY-HS14) 及其应用 ZL200810028970.7,董俊德,杨志浩,张燕英,凌娟,王友绍,张偲,吴梅林 10. 红树植物根际促生固氮菌 (DZY-N56) 及其应用 ZL200810028955.2,董俊德,杨志浩,张燕英,杨斌 |