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所系名称 |
中国科学院南海海洋研究所,中国科学院热带海洋生物资源与生态重点实验室 | ||||
性别 |
女 | ||||
专业名称 |
海洋生物学 | ||||
技术职务 |
责任研究员 | ||||
行政职务 |
Mail地址 |
longlj@scsio.ac.cn | ||||
指导博士生总数 |
8 |
指导硕士生总数 |
12 |
通讯地址 |
广州市新港西路164号 |
目前博士生数 |
4 |
目前硕士生数 |
3 |
邮政编码 |
510301 |
研究方向 |
微型海洋生物资源(微生物和微藻)的发掘:采集、分类、鉴定和保藏。 |
研究工作 |
长期从事南海海洋生物资源挖掘、功能利用与生态工程应用研究工作。围绕热带海洋生物多样性认知、功能挖掘和可持续利用,发展基于生态系统结构与功能完整性的生态保护、修复理论技术体系与应用示范,促进热带海洋生态系统保护和生物资源绿色利用的工程化。在海洋微型生物(微藻和微生物)种质资源库构建、菌种功能发掘与利用,海洋生物功能物质利用新技术,珊瑚礁藻类资源与生态工程应用方面取得一系列重要创新成果。 | ||||
获奖情况 |
1. 海南科技进步奖特等奖(2004,第四) 2. 第十六届全国发明展览会金奖(2006,第五) 3. 国家科技进步二等奖(2007,第四) 4. 海南省科技进步一等奖(2010) 5. 广东省科技发明一等奖(2011,第三) 6. 广州优秀女科技工作者(2012) 7. 国家技术发明奖二等奖(2014,第二) 8. 国务院政府特殊津贴专家(2014) 9. 中科院特聘核心骨干研究员(2016) 10.广东省丁颖科技奖(2017) 11. 中国科学院杰出科技成就奖(1/3突出贡献者,2019) 12. 广东省科学技术(科技进步)一等奖(排名第一,2019) |
指导研究生情况 |
博士研究生:龙超(2016)、李茹(2017)、张建东(2018)、刘玉(2019) 硕士研究生:莫嘉豪(2017)、李福润(2018)、肖志梁(2019) 已培养博士研究生4名;硕士研究生9名 |
个人简介 |
学习经历 1982.09-1986.07:中国海洋大学(山东海洋学院)海洋生物系海洋植物专业,学士学位 1986.09-1989.07:中国海洋大学(青岛海洋大学)水产学院微藻培养与应用专业,硕士学位 工作经历 1989-至今:中国科学院南海海洋研究所,副所长,责任研究员 2008.12-2009.03:美国马里兰大学,高级访问学者
学术兼职 1. 广州市海珠区科协副主席(2015-2020) 2. 中国海洋学会热带海洋分会秘书长(2012-2022) 3. 广东海洋学会理事(2012-至今) 4. 广东海洋湖沼学会(2012-至今) 5. 湛江市第三届科技兴湛高级顾问团高级顾问(2015-2020) 6.《热带海洋学报》副主编(2014-至今) |
科研成果 |
论文发表 25. Ru Li+, Jian Yang+, Yunzhu Xiao, Lijuan Long*. In vivo immobilization of an organophosphorus hydrolyzing enzyme on bacterial polyhydroxyalkanoate nano-granules. Microbial Cell Factories. 2019, 18: 166 24. Xinyuanyuan Sun, Sijun Huang, Lijuan Long*. Characterization, complete genome and proteome of a bacteriophage infecting a coral-derived Vibrio strain. Marine Genomics. 2019, 47, 1874-7787 23. Fangfang Yang, Wenzhou Xiang, Tao Li, Lijuan Long*. Transcriptome analysis for phosphorus starvation-induced lipid accumulation in Scenedesmus sp. Scientific reports. 2018,8:16420 22. Rou-Wen Chen+, Ke-Xin Wang, Fa-Zuo Wang, Yuan-Qiu He, Li-Juan Long*, Xin-Peng Tian*. Rubrobacter indicoceani sp. nov., a new marine actinobacterium isolated from Indian Ocean sediment. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology. 2018, 68:3487-3493 21. Rou-Wen Chen, Ke-Xin Wang, Xue-Feng Zhou, Chao Long, Xin-Peng Tian*, Li-Juan Long*. Indioceanicola profundi gen. nov., sp. nov., isolated from Indian Ocean sediment. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology. 2018,68:3707-3712 20. Yunzhu Xiao(#), Jian Yang(#), Xinpeng Tian, Xiaoxue Wang, Jie Li, Si Zhang, Lijuan Long(*). Biochemical basis for hydrolysis of organophosphorus by a marine bacterial prolidase, Process Biochemistry, 2017.01.01, 52: 141~148 19. Li, J., Kuang, W., Long, L., & Zhang, S. (2017). Production of quorum-sensing signals by bacteria in the coral mucus layer. Coral Reefs. 18. Xinpeng Tian, Zhewen Zhang, Tingting Yang, et al., Lijuan Long* and Jingfa Xiao*. Comparative Genomics Analysis of Streptomyces Species Reveals Their Adaptation to the Marine Environment and Their Diversity at the Genomic Level. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2016, 7:998. 27 June 2016 17. Li, Baolian, Zhang, Si, Long, Lijuan*, Huang, Sijun*. Characterization and Complete Genome Sequences of Three N4-Like Roseobacter Phages Isolated from the South China Sea Current Microbiology, 2016, 73 (3), pp 409–418 16. F Yang, W Xiang, J Fan, H Wu, T Li, L Long. High pH-induced flocculation of marine Chlorella sp. for biofuel production- Journal of applied phycology, 2016 – Springer 15. Lizhen Li(#), Jian Yang(#), Jie Li, Lijuan Long, Yunzhu Xiao, Xinpeng Tian, Fazuo Wang, Si Zhang(*).Role of two amino acid residues' insertion on thermal stability of thermophilic alpha-amylase AMY121 from a deep sea bacterium Bacillus sp SCSIO 15121, Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering, 2015, 38(5): 871~879 14. Jian Yang, Jie Li, Yunfeng Hu, Lizhen Li, Lijuan Long, Fazuo Wang, Si Zhang(*). Characterization of a thermophilic hemoglobin-degrading protease from Streptomyces rutgersensis SCSIO 11720 and its application in antibacterial peptides production, Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering, 2015, 20(1): 79~90 13. F Yang, C Cheng, L Long, Q Hu, Q Jia, H Wu. Extracting lipids from several species of wet microalgae using ethanol at room temperature. Energy & , 2015 - ACS Publications 12. Kuang, W., Li, J., Zhang, S., & Long, L. (2015). Diversity and distribution ofactinobacteriaassociated with reef coralporites lutea. Frontiers in Microbiology, 6, 1094. 11. Fang-Fang Yang,Wen-Zhou Xiang, Xiu-Mei Sun, Hua-Lian Wu, Tao Li, Li-Juan Long*. A Novel Lipid Extraction Method from Wet Microalga Picochlorum sp. at Room Temperature. marine drugs. 2014,12,1258-1270 10. Jie Li, Qi Chen, Li-Juan Long, Jun-De Dong, Jian Yang, Si Zhang*, Bacterial dynamics within the mucus, tissue and skeleton of the coral Porites lutea during different seasons, Scientific Reports, 2014,4:7320 9. Lizhen Li, Jian Yang, Juan Li, Lijuan Long, Yunzhu Xiao, Xinpeng Tian, Fazuo Wang, Si Zhang*, Role of two amino acid residues’ insertion on thermal stability of thermophilic α-amylase AMY121 from a deep sea bacterium Bacillus sp. SCSIO 15121, Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering, 2014,1-9 8. Jie Li, Qi Chen, Si Zhang, Hui Huang, Jian Yang, Xinpeng Tian, Lijuan Long*. Highly heterogeneous bacterial communities associated with the South China Sea reef corals Porites lutea, Galaxea fascicularis and Acropora millepora. PLoS ONE 2013,8(8):e71301 7. Tian, Xin-Peng, Long, Li-Juan, Wang, Fa-Zuo, Xu, Ying, Li, Jie, Zhang, Jing, Zhang, Chang-Sheng, Zhang, Si, Li, Wen-Jun,Streptomyces nanhaiensis sp nov., a marine streptomycete isolated from a deep-sea sediment. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 2012,62(4):864-868. 6. Si Zhang, Lijuan Long, Effects of glycopeptides on development, growth and non-specific immunity of pearl oyster Pinctada fucata (Gould), Aquaculture Nutrition, 2010, 16(5): 520-527. 5. Liang, Ji-Lin, Long, Li-Juan, Zhang, Si, Wu, Jun,Cooliatin, an Unprecedented Natural Dioxocyclononane from Dinoflagellate Coolia monotis from South China Sea. Chemical & Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 2009,57(8):888-889. 4. Long L. J.,Song Y., Wu J., Lei L., Huang K., Long B. W., Development of an efficient method for the preparative isolation and purification of chlorophyll a from a marine dinoflagellate Amphidinium carterae by high-speed counter-current chromatography coupled with reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry. 2006, 386 (7-8): 2169-2174. 3. Yin, Hao, Zhang, Si, Wu, Jun, Nan, Haihan, Long, Lijuan, Yang, Jin, Li, Qingxin.Pongaflavanol: a prenylated flavonoid from Pongamia pinnata with a modified ring A Molecules, 2006,11(10), pp 786-791. 2. Wu, J, Long, LJ, Song, Y, Zhang, S, Li, QX, Huang, HS, Xiao, ZH,A new unsaturated glycoglycerolipid from a cultured marine dinofiagellate Amphidinium carterae. Chemical & Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 53(3):330-332, 2005. 1. Si Zhang*, Long Lijuan, Alkaloids from Marine Organisms, Modern Marine Medicine (Chief editor: Binghua Jiao),2005,Beijing: Science Press, 260-293. 撰写专著 1.《西南沙岛礁关键造护礁功能生物》,龙丽娟、殷建平、林强等,科学出版社,2019 授权专利 1. 海洋链霉菌、吡喃型倍半萜类化合物及其制备方法和用途,ZL201110460246.3,龙丽娟,田新朋,李洁,罗雄明,齐振雄,尹团 2. 一种微生物包埋微球连续制备装置及方法,ZL 201410469754.1,龙丽娟、李洁、吴家法、杨键、张偲. 3. 一类热稳定性提高的淀粉酶突变体及其编码基因和应用,ZL201510446883,龙丽娟,杨键,李丽珍,李洁,肖运柱,齐振雄,尹团,张偲 4. 一个海洋来源小单孢菌 SCSIO 01819及其在珍珠加工和功能水产饲料蛋白源中的应用 ZL201510366099.1,龙丽娟,尹浩,田新朋,齐振雄,尹团,张偲 5. 一类热稳定性提高的淀粉酶突变体及其编码基因和应用,ZL201510446883.3,龙丽娟,杨键,李丽珍,李洁,肖运柱,齐振雄,尹团,张偲 6. 一种二肽酶突变体及其编码基因和应用,ZL201610705142.7,龙丽娟,杨键,肖运柱,田新朋,张偲 |