

  主要研究领域为浮游生态学,探讨海流、气候变化以及人类活动对典型海域营养盐、浮游生物群落结构的影响、稳定同位素生态学 利用C、N稳定同位素研究人类活动对海洋生态系统的影响。共主持国家基金、国家重点研发子课题、公益性行业专项子课题等各类项目9项。1)研究了南海至东印度洋表层浮游植物群落结构特征,提出季风影响下表层流向转换是影响巽他陆架浮游植物群落结构和空间分布的重要因素,结果发表在Continental Shelf Research、Acta Ecologica Sinica和海洋学报;2)发现黄岩岛澙湖口具有较高的叶绿素a浓度,并提出微微型和小型浮游植物与叶绿素a的相关关系存在阈值限制,结果发表在Coral Reefs和Marine Pollution Bulletin;3)发现富营养化河流输入会导致水体悬浮颗粒有机物呈现较低的δ15N值,结果发表在Marine Pollution Bulletin和Science of the Total Environment;4)研究了大亚湾和珠江口浮游生物的粒径谱特征及其对生态系统的指示作用,结果发表在Continental Shelf Research和Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management。




2000.72003.8:武汉新世界高新农业有限责任公司  技术员

2008.72010.10: 中国科学院南海海洋研究所   助理研究员

2010.11-现在:中国科学院南海海洋研究所   副研究员



1996.92000.6:华中农业大学  本科水产养殖专业

2003.92008.6:中国科学院水生生物研究所 水生生物学博士学位

2013.72014.7:美国南加州大学  访问学者 


1.          Ke ZX, Tan YH, Huang LM, Liu JX, Xiang CH, Zhao CY, Zhang JP. 2019. Significantly depleted 15N in suspended particulate organic matter indicating a strong influence of sewage loading in Daya Bay, China. Science of the Total Environment, 650: 759-768. IF 4.61

2.          Ke ZX, Tan YH, Huang LM, Liu HJ, Liu JX, Jiang X, Wang JX. 2018. Spatial distribution patterns of phytoplankton biomass and primary productivity in six coral atolls in the central South China Sea. Coral Reefs, 37: 919-927. IF 3.095

3.          Ke ZX, Tan YH, Huang LM, Liu JX, Liu HX. 2018. Community structure and biovolume size spectra of mesozooplankton in the Pearl River Estuary. Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management, 21(1): 30-40. IF 1.033

4.          Liu JX, Zhou LB, Tan YH, Wang Q, HU ZF, Li JJ, Jiang X, Ke ZX*. 2017. Distribution of reactive aluminum under the influence of mesoscale eddies in the western South China Sea. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 36(6), 95-103. *Corresponding author. IF 0.728

5.          Ke ZX, Tan YH, Huang LM, Zhao CY, Jiang X. 2017. Spatial distributions of δ13C, δ15N and C/N ratios in suspended particulate organic matter of a bay under serious anthropogenic influences: Daya Bay, China. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 114, 183-191. IF 3.146

6.          Ke ZX, Liu HJ, Wang JX, Liu JX, Tan YH. 2016. Abnormally high phytoplankton biomass near the lagoon mouth in the Huangyan Atoll, South China Sea. Marnie Pollution Bulletin, 112, 123-133. IF 3.146

7.          Ke ZX, Tan YH, Huang LM, Zhao CY, Liu HJ. 2016. Trophic structure of shrimp-trawl catches in the Pearl River estuary in winter, using stable isotope analyses. Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management, 19, 468-475. 

8.          Ke ZX, Tan YH, Ma YE, Huang LM, Wang SB. 2014. Effects of surface current patterns on spatial variations of phytoplankton community and environmental factors in Sunda shelf. Continental Shelf Research, 82: 119-127.

9.          Ma YE, Ke ZX*, Huang LM, Tan YH. 2014. Identification of human-induced perturbations in Daya Bay, China: Evidence from plankton size structure. Continental Shelf Research, 72: 10-20.

10.       Ke ZX, Tan YH, Huang LM, Zhang JL, Lian SM. 2012. Relationship between phytoplankton composition and environmental factors in the surface waters of southern South China Sea in early summer of 2009. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 31(3): 109-119.

11.       Ke ZX, Huang LM, Tan YH, Song XY. 2012. A dinoflagellate Cochlodinium geminatum bloom in the Zhujiang (Pearl) River estuary in autumn 2009. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 30(3): 371-378.

12.       Ke ZX, Xie P, Huang LM, Xu J. 2010. Predation risk perception in Daphnia carinata induced by the milt of common carp (Cryprinus carpio). Journal of Freshwater Ecology, 25(3), 467-473.

13.       Ke ZX, Xie P, Guo LG. 2009. Impacts of two biomanipulation fishes stocked in a large pen on the plankton abundance and water quality during a period of phytoplankton seasonal succession. Ecological Engineering, 35, 1610-1618.

14.       Ke ZX, Xie P, Guo LG. 2008. In situ study on effect of food competition on diet shifts and growth of silver and bighead carps in biomanipulation fish pens in Meiliang Bay, Lake Taihu. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 24: 263-268.

15.       Ke ZX, Xie P, Guo LG. 2008. Phenotypic plasticity in gut length in the planktivorous filter-feeding silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix). TheScientificWorldJournal, 8: 169-175.

16.       Ke ZX, Xie P, Guo LG. 2008. Controlling factors of spring-summer phytoplankton succession in Lake Taihu (Meiliang Bay, China). Hydrobiologia, 607: 41-49.

17.       Ke ZX, Xie P, Guo LG, Liu YQ, Yang H. 2007. In situ study on the control of toxic Microcystis blooms using phytoplanktivorous fish in the subtropical Lake Taihu of China: A large fish pen experiment. Aquaculture, 265: 127-138.

18.       Ke ZX, Tan YH, Huang LM. 2016. Spatial variation of phytoplankton community from Malacca Strait to southern South China Sea in May of 2011. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 36: 154-159

19.       Ke ZX, Xie P, Guo LG. 2019. Ecological restoration and factors regulating phytoplankton community in a hypertrophic shallow lake, Lake Taihu, China. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 39: 81-88

20.       柯志新,黄良民,2009.溞类(Daphnia)反捕食的表型可塑性及其研究进展.湖泊科学,216),758767

21.       柯志新,黄良民,谭烨辉,尹健强,20112007年夏季南海北部浮游植物的种类组成及密度分布.热带海洋学报.301),131143

22.       柯志新,谢平,过龙根,徐军,周琼,2011.太湖梅梁湾大型生态控藻围栏内鲢鳙的生长特征.水生态学杂志.325),13-18

23.       柯志新,黄良民,谭烨辉,尹健强.2011.三亚珊瑚礁分布海区浮游生物的群落结构.生物多样性,196),696-701

24.       柯志新,黄良民,李刚,尹健强,谭烨辉.2012.春末夏初巽他陆架表层水体的叶绿素粒级结构及其和营养盐的关系.海洋学报,34(3)190-196

25.       柯志新,谭烨辉,黄良民,宋星宇,张建林.20122009年秋季旋沟藻赤潮爆发期间珠江口表层水体的环境特征.海洋环境科学,31(5): 635-638

26.       柯志新,谢平,过龙根,徐军,周琼. 2012. 太湖梅梁湾大型控藻围栏对浮游甲壳动物群落结构的影响.应用生态学报,238): 2270-2276

27.       柯志新,谢平,过龙根,徐军,周琼. 2012. 太湖梅梁湾生物控藻围栏内鲢、鳙比肠长和比肝重的动态变化. 水生态学杂志, 333: 9-13.

28.       柯志新,黄良民,徐军,马艳娥.2012. 大亚湾冬季不同粒级浮游生物的氮稳定同位素特征及其与生物量的关系.生态学报,32(22): 7102-7108

29.       柯志新,黄良民,谭烨辉,周林滨,张建林. 2013. 2008年夏末南海北部叶绿素a的空间分布特征及其影响因素。热带海洋学报,33(4): 51-57.

30.       柯志新,陈丹婷,谭烨辉,刘华健,刘甲星. 2019. 汕头南澳-东山海域初级生产力的时空特征. 中国水产科学,261, 1-9

31.       马艳娥,柯志新*,黄良民,谭烨辉. 2013. 夏冬两季大亚湾典型海域浮游植物粒级结构特征生物量. 热带海洋学报,32(2): 40-46.

32.       刘华健,黄良民,谭烨辉,柯志新*,刘甲星,赵春宇,王军星. 2017. 珠江口浮游植物叶绿素a和初级生产力的季节变化及其影响因素. 热带海洋学报,36(1)81-91