

围绕“人类活动驱动下海洋环境中持久性有机污染物(POPs)的关键环境过程及其生态效应”这一核心科学问题,开展了POPs在近岸红树林、南海珊瑚礁和北极等典型海洋生态系统的污染特征、来源、生物富集和食物链传递等方面的研究工作。揭示了红树林湿地中POPs的污染特征及生物富集规律,发现红树植物对溴系阻燃剂的选择性富集行为;阐明了南海珊瑚礁生物体中POPs的富集特征及放大规律,发现滴滴涕仍有新的输入来源;证实了冰川融化对北极生态系统有机磷酸酯(OPE)环境行为的影响,发现冰川融化速度是影响北极哈森湖流域中OPE含量的一个关键因素。先后主持国家自然科学基金、中国科学院A类战略性先导科技专项子课题和广东省自然科学基金等项目10多项。目前已发表论文56篇,其中SCI论文47篇,以第一或通讯作者在Environmental Science & Technology等SCI刊物上发表论文24篇,SCI论文他引1200余次,H指数为19。申请发明专利2项,已授权1项。参与撰写专著2本。


2021  广东省自然科学基金杰出青年
2018  广州市珠江科技新星
2016  广东特支计划百千万工程青年拔尖人才
2015  香江学者计划


硕士研究生: 谢金丽(2018)谢晨敏(2019) 隆楚月(2020


2014.12-至今      中国科学院南海海洋研究所     副研究员

2018.11-2019.11   加拿大环境与气候变化部      访问学者

2016.1-2016.5     香港城市大学                香江学者计划

2012.7-2014.11    中国科学院南海海洋研究所    助理研究员



2009.9-2012.6   中国科学院广州地球化学研究所   环境科学  博士

2006.9-2009.6   中国科学院华南植物园           生态学    硕士

2002.9-2006.6   暨南大学                       环境科学  学士



(1) Li HW, Zhang ZW, Sun YX*, Wang WW, Xie JL, Xie CM, Hu YX, Xu XR, Gao YL, Luo XJ, Mai BX. Tetrabromobisphenol A and hexabromocyclododecanes in sediments and biota from two typical mangrove wetlands of South China: Distribution, bioaccumulation and biomagnifications. Science of the Total Environment, 2021, 750, 141695.

(2) Xie JL, Sun YX*, Cheng YY, Chen YS, Chen LG, Xie CM, Dai SH, Luo XJ, Zhang L*, Mai BX. Halogenated flame retardants in surface sediments from fourteen estuaries, South China. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2021, 164, 112099.

(3) Sun YX, De Silva A, St. Pierre KA, Muir D, Spencer C, Lehnherr I, MacInnis JJ. Glacial melt inputs of organophosphate ester flame retardants to the largest high Arctic lake. Environmental Science & Technology, 2020, 54(5), 2734-2743.

(4) Zuo LZ, Sun YX*, Li HX, Hu YX, Lin L, Peng JP, Xu XR*. Microplastics in mangrove sediments of the Pearl River Estuary, South China: Correlation with halogenated flame retardants’ levels. Science of the Total Environment, 2020, 725, 138344.

(5) Hu YX, Sun YX*, Pei NC, Zhang ZW, Li HW, Wang WW, Xie JL, Xu XR, Luo XJ, Mai BX. Polybrominated diphenyl ethers and alternative halogenated flame retardants in mangrove plants from Futian National Nature Reserve of Shenzhen City, South China. Environmental Pollution, 2020, 260, 114087.

(6) Zhu CY, Sun YX*, Li DN, Zheng XB*, Peng XZ, Zhu T, Mo L, Luo XJ, Xu XR, Mai BX. Evidence for complex sources of persistent halogenated compounds in birds from the South China Sea. Environmental Research, 2020, 185, 109462.

(7) Li HW, Hu YX, Sun YX*, De Silva A, Muir D, Wang WW, Xie JL, Xu XR, Pei NC, Xiong YM, Luo XJ, Mai BX. Bioaccumulation and translocation of tetrabromobisphenol A and hexabromocyclododecane in mangrove plants from a national nature reserve of Shenzhen City, South China. Environment International, 2019, 129: 239-246.

(8) Hu YX, Pei NC, Sun YX*, Xu XR, Zhang ZW, Li HW, Wang WW, Zuo LZ, Xiong YM, Zeng YH, He KH, Mai BX. Halogenated flame retardants in mangrove sediments from the Pearl River Estuary, South China: Comparison with historical data and correlation with microbial community. Chemosphere, 2019, 227: 315-322.

(9) Zhang ZW, Pei NC, Sun YX*, Li JL, Li XP, Yu S, Xu XR*, Hu YX, Mai BX. Halogenated organic pollutants in sediments and organisms from mangrove wetlands of the Jiulong River Estuary, South China. Environmental Research, 2019, 171:145-152.

(10) Mo L, Zheng XB*, Zhu CY, Sun YX*, Yu LH, Luo XJ, Mai BX. Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in oriental magpie-robins from e-waste, urban, and rural sites: site-specific biomagnification of POPs. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2019, 186, 109758.

(11) Zhun CY, Li DN, Sun YX*, Zheng XB, Peng XZ*, Zheng K, Hu BB, Luo XJ, Mai BX. Plastic debris in marine birds from an island located in the South China Sea. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2019, 149, 110566.

(12) Mo L, Zheng XB*, Sun YX*, Yu LH, Luo XJ, Xu XR, Qin XQ, Gao YL, Mai BX. Selection of passerine birds as bio-sentinel of persistent organic pollutants in terrestrial environment. Science of the Total Environment, 2018,633:1237-1244

(13) Sun YX, Hu YX, Zhang ZW, Xu XR, Li HX, Zuo LZ, Zhong Y, Sun H, Luo XJ, Mai BX. Halogenated organic pollutants in marine biota from the Xuande Atoll, South China Sea: Levels, biomagnification and dietary exposure. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2017, 118(1-2): 413-419. 

(14) Hu YX, Sun YX*, Li X, Xu WH, Zhang Y, Luo XJ, Dai SH, Xu XR*, Mai BX. Organophosphorus flame retardants in mangrove sediments from the Pearl River Estuary, South China. Chemosphere, 2017, 181:433-439.

(15) Sun YX, Zhang ZW, Xu XR, Hao QW, Hu YX, Zheng XB, Luo XJ, Diao ZH, Mai BX. Spatial and vertical distribution of dechlorane plus in mangrove sediments of the Pearl River Estuary, South China. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 2016, 71(3): 359-364.

(16) Sun YX, Zhang ZW, Xu XR, Hu YX, Luo XJ, Cai MG, Mai BX. Bioaccumulation and biomagnification of halogenated organic pollutants in mangrove biota from the Pearl River Estuary, South China. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2015, 99 (1-2), 150-156.

(17) Zhang ZW, Sun YX*, Sun KF, Xu XR*, Yu S, Zheng TL, Luo XJ, Tian Y, Hu YX, Diao ZH, Mai BX. Brominated flame retardants in mangrove sediments of the Pearl River Estuary, South China: Spatial distribution, temporal trend and mass inventory. Chemosphere, 2015, 123, 26-32.

(18) Sun YX, Hao Q, Xu XR, Luo XJ, Wang SL, Zhang ZW, Mai BX. Persistent organic pollutants in marine fish from Yongxing Island, South China Sea: Levels, composition profiles and human dietary exposure assessment. Chemosphere, 2014, 98: 84-90.

(19) Sun YX, Hao Q, Zheng XB, Luo XJ, Zhang ZW, Zhang Q, Xu XR, Zou FS, Mai BX. PCBs and DDTs in light-vented bulbuls from Guangdong province, South China: Levels, geographical pattern and risk assessment. Science of the Total Environment, 2014, 490: 815-821.

(20) Sun YX, Xu XR, Hao Q, Luo XJ, Ruan W, Zhang ZW, Zhang Q, Zou FS, Mai BX. Species-specific accumulation of halogenated flame retardants in eggs of terrestrial birds from an ecological station in the Pearl River Delta, South China. Chemosphere, 2014, 95: 442-447. 

(21) Sun YX, Luo XJ, Mo L, Zhang Q, Wu JP, Chen SJ, Zou FS, Mai BX. Brominated flame retardants in three terrestrial passerine birds from South China: Geographical pattern and implication for potential sources. Environmental Pollution, 2012, 162: 381-388.

(22) Sun YX, Luo XJ, Wu JP, Mo L, Chen SJ, Zhang Q, Zou FS, Mai BX. Species- and tissue- specific accumulation of dechlorane plus in three terrestrial passerine bird species from the Pearl River Delta, South China. Chemosphere, 2012, 89(4): 445-451.

(23) Sun YX, Luo XJ, Mo L, He MJ, Zhang Q, Chen SJ, Zou FS, Mai BX. Hexabromocyclododecane in terrestrial passerine birds from e-waste, urban and rural locations in the Pearl River Delta, South China: Levels, biomagnification, diastereoisomer- and enantiomer-specific accumulation. Environmental Pollution, 2012, 171: 191-198.

(24) Sun YX, Wu JP, Shao YH, Zhou LX, Mai BX, Lin YB, Fu SL. Responses of soil microbial communities to prescribed burning in two paired vegetation sites in southern China. Ecological Research, 2011, 26(3): 669-677.

(25) 孙毓鑫, 郝青, 徐向荣, 张再旺, 刘金铃, 罗孝俊, 麦碧娴. 西沙永兴岛海域鱼体中non-PBDE类卤系阻燃剂的分布特征及人体暴露评估. 环境化学, 2013, 32 (8): 1435-1440.

(26) 孙毓鑫, 吴建平, 周丽霞, 林永标, 傅声雷. 广东鹤山火烧迹地植被恢复后土壤养分含量变化. 应用生态学报, 2009, 20(3): 513-517.


(1) 孙毓鑫, 李华薇, 胡咏霞, 汪伟薇, 徐向荣. 一种测定植物中六溴十二烷异构体的方法. 专利号:ZL 201810631980.3 

(2) 谢金丽, 孙毓鑫, 谢晨敏, 张黎. 一种测定植物中有机磷系阻燃剂的方法. 申请号:202011201167.6